Long Term Alternative to Steel for Sulfuric Acid


An ethanol production plant in Southeast Nebraska found that their 316 stainless steel piping for 93-98% sulfuric acid had an unacceptably short service life of only 1-5 years. Regular replacement was costly in terms of both labor and plant down-time. 

Simtech provided engineering analysis and expertise with acid handling and recommended Simtech ArmorTech® with Kynar®740 PVDF to extend piping service life up to 20 years. Our exclusive ArmorTech® system eliminates flanges and the associated potentially hazardous leak points. This butt fusion system successfully addressed environmental concerns about potential leakage of this harmful acid. Plant downtime and labor costs were also minimized by the delivery of pre-assembled sections from Simtech’s Custom Fabrication shop. 



Ethanol Fuel Producer, Southeast Nebraska


Bioenergy / Ethanol